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What goes in to Professional Teeth Whitening
We typically use an extremely high quality product called 'Boutique Whitening', which is a gel that requires around 1.5 hours of wear time per day for it to work effectively. These gels are widely used by dentists, as they are safe, certified and won't damage your...
What You May Not Have Considered About Checkups
To many, a dental checkup is simply to see if any fillings are required and to check the general health of your teeth... However, there is far more to these checkups and their importance can not be over-stated! A regular checkup will look at the following: 1. Check...
Caring for Your Child’s Dental Health
Our aim is to provide the highest quality care and treatment in a relaxed, comfortable and safe environment. This is never more true than for children, because we want visiting the dentist to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for them - not one they fear. With...
Spread the cost of your dental care with our Practice Care Plan
With our DPAS Practice Care Plans, from as little as £17.49 per month, our patients can enjoy a higher level of service and discounts against a full range of treatments. The advantage for our patients is that it should reduce the need for future treatment and they will have the peace of mind knowing that all preventive dental care will be covered by convenient monthly payments.

With our DPAS Practice Care Plans, from as little as £17.49 per month, our patients can enjoy a higher level of service and discounts against a full range of treatments. The advantage for our patients is that it should reduce the need for future treatment and they will have the peace of mind knowing that all preventive dental care will be covered by convenient monthly payments.